Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What should I do before starting the training? (Check Q3 to create an account.)

  1. First, you should create a training request by filling out the necessary fields. These fields are primarily for insurance/accounting stuff. On the training request creation page, you should be able to see your company listed. Select your company, and select the appropriate starting and ending days. Note that this procedure does not send any emails or requests to the company; this is for us to keep track of the training.
  2. Once you create your training request, navigate to "Training Requests / List" page. You will see all your training requests. When you click on a training request, you will see the necessary information about the training. Click on 'generate acceptance form' to generate your acceptance form. Check if there is anything wrong with the information. If so, send an email to the internship advisor.
  3. You should sign this form, then get it signed and stamped by your company. Upload the form (as PDF) signed by two parties (you, and your company). Your training request will be processed and accepted if there is no problem. Then, our department will sign the form.
  4. Once the request has been accepted, you will see a training record created for your new internship on your home page. After your request has been accepted, the system will send the signed form to the accountant's office (hesap işleri) so that they can start your insurance. You are no longer required to send it yourself. The accountant's office will send you a form (4A işe giriş bildirgesi) stating your insurance has started.

Note: The accountant's office can only process your acceptance form one week before your internship's start date. So, it is best to upload the signed form one week before the internship so that it can be processed and sent to the accountant's office. Consequently, you can get 4A işe giriş bildirgesi only one week before your internship. Also, see Q7.

Note 2: Your "Total Number of Working Days" can't exceed 60 in an internship (Otherwise insurance problems will occur). And keep in mind that, we can't accept more than 45 days.

Note 3: Also, if you have previous internships that are accepted 40 days, you SHOULD NOT find a new internship that exceeds 30 days !!! (+10 days is acceptable at max since you need 60 days to graduate.)



  1. Öncelikle gerekli alanları doldurarak staj talebi oluşturmalısınız. Bu alanlar öncelikle sigorta/muhasebe işleri içindir. Staj talebi oluşturma sayfasında şirketinizin listelendiğini görebilmeniz gerekir. Şirketinizi seçin ve uygun başlangıç ve bitiş günlerini seçin. Bu prosedürün şirkete herhangi bir e-posta veya istek göndermediğini unutmayın; Bu, stajı takip etmemiz için.
  2. Staj talebinizi oluşturduktan sonra "Staj Talepleri / Liste" sayfasına gidin. Tüm staj isteklerinizi göreceksiniz. Bir staj talebine tıkladığınızda, stajla ilgili gerekli bilgileri göreceksiniz. Kabul formunuzu oluşturmak için 'kabul formu oluştur'a tıklayın. Bilgilerde yanlışlık olup olmadığını kontrol edin. Öyleyse, staj danışmanına bir e-posta gönderin.
  3. Bu formu imzalayıp firmanıza imzalatıp kaşeletmelisiniz. İki taraf (siz ve şirketiniz) tarafından imzalanmış formu (PDF olarak) yükleyin. Herhangi bir sorun olmaması durumunda staj talebiniz işleme alınacak ve kabul edilecektir. Daha sonra departmanımız formu imzalayacaktır.
  4. Talep kabul edildikten sonra, ana sayfanızda yeni stajınız için oluşturulmuş bir staj kaydı göreceksiniz. Talebiniz kabul edildikten sonra sistem sigortanızı başlatabilmeleri için imzalı formu hesap işlerine gönderecektir. Muhasebeci size sigortanızın başladığını belirten bir form (4A işe giriş bildirimi) gönderecektir.

Not: Muhasebeci, kabul formunuzu ancak staj başlangıç tarihinizden bir hafta önce işleme alabilir. Bu nedenle, imzalı formun stajdan bir hafta önce yüklenmesi, işlenmesi ve muhasebeciye gönderilmesi en iyisidir. Sonuç olarak stajınızdan sadece bir hafta önce 4A işe giriş bildirimi alabilirsiniz. Ayrıca bkz. Q7.

Not 2: Stajda "Toplam Çalışma Gününüz" 60'ı geçemez (Aksi takdirde sigorta sorunu yaşanır). Ve unutmayın, 45 günden fazlasını kabul edemeyiz.

Not 3: Ayrıca, daha önce 40 gün kabul edilen stajlarınız varsa, 30 günü aşan yeni bir staj BULMAMALISINIZ !!! (Mezun olmak için 60 güne ihtiyacınız olduğundan en fazla +10 gün kabul edilebilir.)


Q2: What if the company I will work for is not listed on the training request creation page?

For several reasons, your company might not be listed in our system. Please create the company with the necessary information when that is the case. However, you cannot directly create a company, but you can create a company request. This is for moderation. We will process your company requests (and edit them if necessary). In the meantime, you do not have to wait for your company request to be accepted. You can create your training request by selecting your company not from the company list but from the company request list.

Q3: I don't have an account; how can I get one?

If you have an account on the previous system (, you have an account on this system, just reset your password and update your info.

If you don't have an account on the previous system, send an email to as
Email title: CMPE Intern Account Request
Email body:
Student ID: your student id
Name: your name
Surname: your surname
Email: email that you want to use for this system (if you want to use a mail address other than your BOUN mail address, please use your BOUN mail address while sending this, so we can ensure that you are a legit student.)

Phone: your phone number
TR Identity No (TC Kimlik No): your tc no (this is required for insurance stuff)
Birth Date: your birth date (this is also required for insurance stuff)
and add your student card as an attachment (make sure that information on the card is readable).

Q4: What happened to the previous system, cmpe restricted?

We want to automate some stuff (mainly signing acceptance forms and exporting CSVs for the accountant's office). You might not see a significant difference from your side.

Q5: I have completed my training, now what?

All documents:

  1. We do not accept any physical documents; all the documents need to be submitted through the website. It is your responsibility to upload documents to the system before the deadlines. We will not accept any documents through email.
  2. Fill out the training completion form and get it signed and stamped by your company. Send it to Please do this step as soon as possible after you complete your training.
  3. Write your training report by following the training report template. We suggest you take notes during your training that would help you write the report more easily. You should get your report signed and stamped by your company and submit it to the system. If the company does not have a stamp, your supervisor at your company should send the signed report to from their company email address (you still need to upload the signed report to the system). In either case, we need a way to verify that your supervisors are aware of your report.
  4. The trainee evaluation form should be filled out and submitted confidentially. You need to open the training page, click 'request verification' near 'Trainee Evaluation Form', and enter your supervisor's and department head's company mail addresses (e.g.,, not The system will send them a link to fill out the form remotely. You will be notified when they have submitted your form.
  5. Fill out the company evaluation on your training record page (the green part).
  6. Upload your bank receipt (if you received payment) to the system.
  7. Upload other necessary forms to the system.

For "Insurance start form" and "Insurance end form", search for "4A İşe Giriş Çıkış Bildirgesi" in e-devlet. It is possible that you only see the "insurance start form" in e-devlet, not the "insurance end form". Don't worry, check it regularly in a couple of days.

Q6: The company requires me to submit a document which certificates that training is mandatory for our department. How can I get such a document?

Dean's office can give you a document that states that 60 days of training is mandatory for Computer Engineering students. Email one of the personnel at the Dean's office ( about your inquiry.

Q7: The company requires me to submit a report of social security insurance status (SSK Bildirgesi) or another document that certificates that Boğaziçi University will be responsible for the social security insurance of the trainee during the training period?

The Accounting Department (Hesap İşleri Şubesi) is in charge of issuing the social security insurance papers of the trainee. You can obtain a report of social security insurance from Hesap İşleri seven days before your training starts. Until that report is ready, they can give you a document that states that Boğaziçi University will cover your social security insurance during your training. The Accounting Department is located in the basement of the Rectorate's Building.

Q8: When is the deadline to submit the training documents?

One week after the start date of semesterly classes is the deadline for

  1. Submitting the training completion form to the accounting department and uploading it to the system.

One month after the start date of semesterly classes is the deadline for submitting

  1. Training report
  2. Trainee evaluation form
  3. Company evaluation form
  4. Uploading the bank receipt of the payment (only if the company has paid a wage to the intern) to the system.

Q9: How can I contact you?

For all internship-related matters, please contact us at Kindly refrain from emailing academic staff directly unless it is an urgent matter.

Please note that if your question is already addressed in the FAQ section of this website, your email may not receive a response.

Q10: How many days of previous training can be counted for transfer students?

Transfer students can use at most 30 workdays of training from the period they spent in their previous institutions by supplying official documents such as their transcript.

Q11: What about the stamps (kaşe) and the approval signatures over the training documents?

Q12: What happens if I cannot hand documents in until the deadline?

The penalty is a one-day reduction from the training period for each day late.

Q13: What are the periods allowed for training?

Basically, you can work as a trainee in the summer and winter breaks. You are not allowed to work in the fall and spring semesters and corresponding final periods. You can work as a trainee on weekdays and Saturdays, but not on Sundays. You cannot work on religious and national holidays. If you do not take any courses during the term, you can work as a trainee (you need to verify it with your transcript).

Q14: What are the techniques to fill a training booklet?

Check out the training booklet template here. You are expected to follow the general report rules given at the end and submit your training booklet exactly in the same format. The template contains the mandatory main sections, the minimum and the maximum number of pages for each section, and the information that should go under that section. Make sure that you follow those rules and answer all those questions. Include additional subsections to improve the quality and the readability of your report. The training booklet should be written in English.

First of all, you have to realize that you are writing a report, not a summary of a book or manual, for the internship activities part of the training booklet. Therefore, in the report, you have to explain what you have done. Do not summarize a manual or a book for your training booklet. Think about the activities you have performed during training, e.g., analysis, coding, testing, learning how to use software tools, attending meetings, presenting, etc. For each of those activities, give details of your work.

You are required to include the source code of the work you conducted during your internship in the appendix section of your report. The included code should be representative of the entirety of your work during the internship and should not be limited to a few isolated code blocks. Ensure the code is well-organized and visually readable.

If you are unable to share the code due to company policies, you must explicitly state this in the report and have the relevant page signed and stamped.

Q15: How can I find a company for training?

The requests for trainees from the industry are posted on the training board. Please check this board regularly. Moreover, you can search for other companies. A partial list of companies is available here. Of course, the companies you can work for as a trainee are not limited to those on the list.

Q16: What is the type of application areas allowed for training?

The application can be in one of the following topics:

Q17: Can I also do my training abroad?

Yes, training abroad is permitted. Make sure that all documents are complete before finishing your training. Otherwise, it may not be possible to contact the company to get signatures and stamps.

Additionally, the university will provide your social security insurance even if the company is located abroad. You should follow the regular procedure.

Q18: Do you accept research internships?

Internships conducted at universities, whether in Turkey or abroad, are not accepted. Similarly, internships at companies that consist solely of research and result in a research report are also not accepted.

During your internship, you are required to engage in development or design work related to at least one area within the field of computer engineering.